Jet Car Archive

I wanted to create a spot for Jet Car history. A place where all the stories, photo, and memories can be posted for everyone to read.
I will be posting photo's of all the cars I can find and where a photographer's credit can be made I will. If you know who's photo it is, email me so they can get credit.
Send me any story, photo, graphic, press clippings from the jets and I will post it.
I want to create the most up to date link for the jets also.
Thanks and enjoy...
the backdraft f/c originally owned by ken piscopo of NJ i have discovered was sold to a mac tools dealer and resides in highlands NJ at present. as for roger goering the northern flame and firestorm f/c's are in reality the same car after a late 98 crash and rebuild at bob jinkens race cars in the same year. any way, backdraft and the NF/Firestorm cars are virtually identical being bilt side by side simultaneously. al Hanna's center drive car was a sister to these but was the first built in a callaboration with bob jinkens but the intake and some other parts were made differently, the design of which was pulled straight from the f-14 design. this was due to his son scott hanna Who worked for pratt and whitney design working up plans for this unigue intake piece.
I remember a V.W .jettcar that did small tracks in the midwest in the late 60s& early 70s called the Lightning bug.I just cannot find a photo, or anything much about it.Was one of the more radical cars from that era.Just seen Hanna withFirst strike run agaist the other Hanna in the Top Secret run in London K.Y.last nite ,and it brought back that memory......any info or pics would be cool......Neat blog site>
Hi Curt - if you can send me your address I will send photos from the UK from the 80's - Cheers Andrew Hurdle
My dad just past away a couple of weeks ago and he was a small part of the jet car scene back in the mid 60s and early 70s. His name was Chris (Swede) Christenson and the car he built was called the Thuderjet. He did mostly car shows so it's been all over the US and Canada and ran pretty well. It may have been the 1st jet powered funny car, but there may be some argument there. Here's a magazine cover: and recently I've found several news clips from the early days. I just thought you might find it interesting. I can always provide more info if you like.
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